2022-2023- Date List
August 10th- First day of 1st quarter
September 5th- Labor Day: no school
September 23th- Peace Day Celebration: school open; parents invited
October 10th- 14th- Fall Break: no school
October 17th- 2nd Quarter begins
October 28th- Dia De Los Muertos: school open; parents invited
November 23th-25th- Thanksgiving break: no school
December 16th- Festival of Light (end of fall semester): school open
parents invited
December 19-January 17: Winter break: no school
January 18th- First-day 3rd quarter (beginning of spring semester)
April 10th-14th- Spring Break: no school
April 21nd- Earth Day: school open; parents invited
May 29th- Memorial Day: no school
June 16th- New beginning journey and End of year celebration:
school open; parents invited